Who to blame?
Pharmaceutical companies who invested billions of dollars to produce generic drugs, but package them nicely and pay expensive advertisement, so the generic drugs do not look 'generic' anymore, so they have the right to charge the extra?
The government of Indonesia, particularly the Ministry of Health and our parliament, who have been moving very slowly to form a national health insurance scheme for all Indonesians? No national insurance scheme allows the market to rules, just like in U.S., hence the prices of drugs have no caps.
Our parliaments, a.k.a. the representatives of Indonesian people, actually speaks something here and there. But I feel they are more likely to enjoy the celebrity lifestyle where everything they utter and act will be covered on the Indonesian TV.
What about the Planning Body of Indonesia, who (I think) should allocate more budget for the health insurance scheme for all Indonesians? BS, Indonesia has no money!?!? It is the matter of fund allocation and wise-spending. Get more money from the haves and the 'supposed-to-pay-more' entities. Wider the tax base, not the tax rate.
The medical 'smart and brilliant' community' who with their white jacket and the nicely-framed degree certificate on the wall, plus the collaboration of medico-pharmaco, write 'whichever drugs offer better incentive to me' prescription to the patient.
The medical schools that produces medical professionals who can write great prescription but so far rarely can explain the logic and communicate with the patients... and yes, they charge the school fee very expensive!
The community, a.k.a patients, who got sick and have to pay out of pocket for all costs of medical care, with the mind set that 'acceptance' the best way of living (perhaps more the traditional Asian way?). No complaints, no asking why the doc has to prescribe that damn expensive drugs, while there are actually cheaper options?
So, who to blame? Everyone? Again, like I said above, I have a more 'acceptance' way of living. I prefer that way, instead of giving myself a headache, and eventually will bring myself to the drugstore to buy Panadol, or paracetamol in generic terms.
Well, since there are more people like me, there have been limited voice of demand to have rationalized price of drugs, the supply of such regulation will not occur in the near future.
Prices of drugs in Indonesia escalate
Monday, February 21, 2011
Posted by nirmalatrisna at 1:00 AM
Labels: drugs, health financing, Indonesia, insurance
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